Visa,® Mastercard® and all other card companies provide consumers with the right to dispute charges. We will explain to you what they are and how to make use of them so that you have the best possible chance of getting your money back.
If your case does not meet the criteria for a chargeback, we’ll tell you up-front. And if there is a more appropriate or affordable solution available, we’ll tell you what it is beforehand.
Credit card companies impose strict deadlines for submitting chargeback requests. There is no way around them. We know how fast the clock is ticking, and we’ll make sure that you won’t miss the train.
The merchant may very well object to your chargeback in a written response called a representment. That’s why it’s vital right from the start to proceed with the most appropriate chargeback strategy. We know how to design it so that it fits your case like a glove.
Disputes involving authorized transactions are complex. Every year, many of the institutions that govern your rights to dispute change their policies.
My Money Refund clients gain from our team’s knowledge and expertise to fight for the best possible outcome.
The chargeback guidelines issued by credit card companies are roughly a thousand pages long. Not every chargeback professional is familiar with them. We are. We know them like the backs of our hands. Ask us if your case meets the requirements.